Sunday, September 2, 2007

Put It to an End

I am a lot of things and I have been called a lot of names. Whether good or bad one thing I have never been accused of is being phoney, fake or two faced. In fact it is always the opposite.. I am sorry I just can't deal with people who can smile in my face and then talk about me behind my back..The old Taneesha would casually walk up to these people pull them aside and then try to do some sort of bodily harm to them..
The "30" year old Taneesha finds it more effective to draw attention to these people and their ways and address it directly. I must say its not as much fun as just randomly slapping people but it is way more effective and it can show you who people that are the closest to you could and would sell you to the devil for the right price....

BE Careful...

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