Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Whether its deciding what to wear, what to eat, what to watch on TV, what to download into your Ipod everyday all day we are faced with choices to be made. Sometimes we make the right ones at other times we don't. This past week I have been communicating a lot with friends and family members about things that are going on in their lives. Some are very conscious of the fact that they are making the wrong choices but continue to do it anyway. I am not here to judge, I am here to listen and offer advice if possible. I am getting frustrated because I can't understand why people ask for help or guidance on something and decide to do the opposite of what was advised of them, or waste my time and breath and energy when they have already decided how they are going to handle the situation. So I have now made a choice, I am going to be the supportive person when their shit fucks up. I am going to help them through the bad and hard times but no longer can I be the voice of reason, no longer can I be the foreseer of darkness and doom... As a true friend I will be there for them when they need to pick up the pieces... And if any of them are reading this and know exactly what I am talking about...

Good Luck

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