Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Book Interview . . . .

I have been asked to participate in a book project that will be out next year. The book will examine the similarities and differences between cultures amongst the 25-35 year old generation. I was very impressed by some of the questions, I answered them openly and honestly. The section that really stuck with me was about my family life and upbringing and certain choices that were made for me as a child. I have never really opened up about that before because it is something that is very personal to me and for years have harbored resentment. I have dealt with some of the pain there but can't say I'm over it or still don't wonder about.. Nevertheless I am looking forward to completing my part in this. The next component will be to have pictures taken in my home, and to check out some of favorite places and people. The book will be out next year I will keep you in the loop.

The Empress

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